
keyboard.down() method in Playwright Java

One of the essential features of Playwright Java is the keyboard.down() method. This method allows us to simulate user interactions with keyboard inputs accurately. Whether it’s pressing a single key, handling key modifiers, or emulating continuous key presses, keyboard.down() offers a wide array of possibilities to enhance the realism and accuracy of test scenarios. This […]

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How to get network call responses in Playwright?

Understanding and capturing network call responses becomes indispensable for validating test outcomes, monitoring API interactions, and extracting valuable data when automating web applications. This article will delve into the intricacies of fetching network call responses in Playwright using Java. Most modern web browsers have built-in developer tools that allow us to view and capture network

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How to get network call requests in Playwright?

When a user uses a web application, the browser and server exchange HTTP requests and responses. These network calls are important for fetching data, loading resources, and executing application logic. It is necessary to manage and understand these network calls for several reasons, like debugging and optimizing performance. In this article, we will discuss how

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How to take screenshots using Playwright Java?

Capturing screenshots is an essential task for various purposes, such as bug reporting, documentation, and website testing. Playwright provides a user-friendly approach to capture screenshots programmatically in Java. This article will explore how to take screenshots using Playwright in Java, enabling us to automate this process and enhance testing and debugging workflows. We will delve

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Integrate Playwright with TestNG

The Java testing framework, TestNG, is a reliable and adaptable tool that streamlines the process of creating, executing, and reporting tests. To complement TestNG’s capabilities, Microsoft’s Playwright browser automation library offers a unified API for cross-browser testing. By utilizing the strengths of both TestNG and Playwright, developers and QA professionals can enhance their web testing

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findElements method equivalent in Playwright

If you’re familiar with locating elements on a web page using Selenium’s findElement() and findElements() methods but are now using Playwright Java, you may be curious about the equivalent method that provides the same functionality. This article will explore Playwright Java’s equivalent of these methods and how they can improve your web automation workflows. When

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Playwright Mobile Emulation Using Java

One of the standout features of Playwright is its mobile emulation capabilities, allowing one to simulate and test websites on various mobile devices. This article will explore leveraging Playwright’s mobile emulation functionality using Java, enabling us to perform comprehensive mobile testing and ensure responsive designs across different devices. Before delving into simulating mobile device conditions

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